The Parenting Institute


Parenting is art and science, skills and guts, intentional and accidental. The Parenting Institute at Destiny is designed to provide classes, seminars, individual coaching, and programs that enhance parent effectiveness. Courses cover five basic areas: Human Growth & Development, Communication, Decision Making, Self-Esteem, and Discipline. The Parent Institute has received approval for all our full length courses for court-mandated attendees. Our courses help with family reunification, mediation, co-parenting, divorce, or incarceration.

Available in addition to courses:

  • Life Coaching in office or in home.
  • Parent-Child communication workshops.
  • Telephone coaching for individual parents or couples.
  • Child and Youth coaching. This includes youth-to-youth peer mentoring.

Destiny’s staff continually receives education and training in the latest parenting skills, methodologies and we strive to link with nationally recognized parenting programs to provide an ever-expanding educational opportunity for parents. The primary goal of Destiny is to help parents learn skills that will make raising children more rewarding and successful. Since they don’t come with an operator’s manual or even a 30-day warranty, there are concepts everyone can learn that will make life with kids easier and healthier. In this day and age, we’re all faced with stresses that sometimes overwhelm us. Any technique we can learn that will improve our skills is worth finding out about. Our Clinical Team is dedicated to working in concert with schools, parent-teacher organizations, churches, governmental agencies, the legal system, and businesses to provide a high level of support to parents in all walks of life.